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公司简介 广州市人东电器厂是一家“以人为首,以人为本”的专业从事设计、制造及销售各种蓄电池的充电机、逆变器的企业。本厂经过多年的市场调查和组织多名技术人员进行了近三年的潜心研究,终于成功开发出“全自动低压直流电饭煲”,并于2013年2月顺利地获得国家专利(专利号:201220422224.8)。填补了我国“低压厨卫”领域的一项空白。 本厂始终坚持“质量第一、信誉第一、科技第一”的原则,为广大老百姓提供货真价实的产品和良好的售后服务。产品销往全国各地及东南亚地区,深受用户的赞誉。Company ProfileGuangzhou Rendong Electric Appliance Factory is a "people-led, people-oriented" professional engaged in the design, manufacture and sales of various battery chargers, inverters business. Factory after years of market research and organization of technical staffs for nearly three years of studying, finally succeeded in developing a "low voltage DC automatic rice cooker", and in February 2013 successfully obtained national patent (Patent No.: 201220422224.8 ). Fill our "Low Volt... [详细介绍]