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主要生产加工的产品有:玉白菜.貔貅.金蝉.大象.龙龟.狮子.金鸡.祥龙.葫芦.玉石关公.财神.佛像.观音.平安扣.文昌塔.七星阵.摇钱树.聚宝盆.各种山水花鸟摆件.手链.吊坠.腰饰.汽车挂件.床垫汽车坐垫.十二属相.靠山原石.官印.花瓶.茶具茶海.鱼缸.玉石地板砖.工厂公司开业用大型雕塑.订制大型活动纪念胸章.风水物品镇宅旺宅吉祥旺财化煞物品等..欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。联系电话13842283571QQ84475866Better appropriate of firm is the jade, jade and other products professional production and processing company, has the advantage of natural material resources of origin, have complete and scientific quality management system.Appropriate of jade business integrity, strength and product quality obtain industry acceptance.Main production and processing of products are: jade cabbage. The mythical wild animal. Jin Chan. Elephants. The dragon turtle. Lion. Golden. Auspicious dragon. Gourd. Jade guan gong. The god of wealth. Buddha. Guanyin. Peace buckle. Wenchang tower. Seven star. A cash cow. Cornucopia. All kin... [详细介绍]