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东莞市东宏印刷有限公司创立于1996年,公司现座落在广东省东莞市长安镇上沙第三工业区,厂房面积3000平方米,现有职员150多人,还有很大的扩展空间. 本公司拥有专业,细心.诚信.务实的资深技术人员及管理阶层,同时拥有先进的生产设备,2005年引进日本网屏CTP直接出版机,CIP3色彩管理软件连线海德堡印刷机,是集设计.印刷.制作为一体的现代化工厂,主要产品为:产品说明书,彩咭,不干胶贴纸,三D产品,转印贴纸,滴胶贴纸等纸品印刷. 本公司成立迄今,一直秉持着精益求精的精神,以诚实守信,精诚合作,互惠互利]的经营理念不断学习,研究,创新及引进专业化技术管理,持续为品质的提升而努力,本公司于2003年导入ISO 9001:2000国际品质管理体系并已通过认证,认真落实品质制度以高品质的走向顺应各界的需求,为客户提供更完美的服务.Donghong Printing was founded in 1996. It is located in the third industrial area of Shangsha at Chang'an Town in Dongguan City Guangdong Province .Its plant area is 3000 square meters, existing more than 150 staff.Yet,it has lots of room for expansion .Our company have senior technical staff and management which is professional , careful, integrity and pragmatic, as well as the advanced production equipment. In 2005 ,it introduced Dainippon Screen CTP directly publishing machine and CIP3 Heidelberg color management software to connect printers.It is the modern factory that assemble Designed printing and production.We engaged in paper printing ,the main products are specification, color cards, stickers,3D products, transfer stickers and epoxy stickers .We always uphold the spirit of excellence and business philosophy that is honest ,trustworthy, sincere cooperation and mutual benefit for continuous learning, research, innovation and the introduction of specialized technology management, also continues to make efforts to enhance the quality.In 2003 ,we have passed the ISO 9001: and 2000 International Quality Management System Certification.Our purpose is earnestly implementing the quality system to high-quality which can adapt to the demand and providing customers with more perfect service.
公司名称: 东莞市东宏印刷有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 广东/东莞市 公司规模: 1-49人
注册资本: 150万人民币 注册年份: 2010
经营模式: 制造商
经营范围: 印刷,说明书,商标,吊牌,不干胶贴纸,画刊宣传册,彩卡,彩盒,PVC胶片,纹身贴纸,水转印贴纸,水贴纸,3D贴纸,3D卡片
销售的产品: 印刷,说明书,商标,吊牌,不干胶贴纸,画刊宣传册,彩卡,彩盒,PVC胶片,纹身贴纸,水转印贴纸,水贴纸,3D贴纸,3D卡片
纸业 / 包装用纸 / 商标标签纸
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