特点及用途:耐热等级为B级,介电性能良好,机械强度高,适用于Y系列和J02系列的电机,电器中作槽和匝间绝缘。6630性能指标(Properties of TYPE 6630) 序号 NO.指标名称Item单位Unit指标值Normal value1标称厚度Nominal thicknessmm0.标称定量及允许偏差Nominal weight and toleranceg/m2140 ±20190 ±28225 ±33300 ±45350 ±52425 ±633薄膜标准厚度Nominal thickness of filmum50751001501902504拉伸强度TensileStengt纵向不弯折 MD no bending纵向弯折后 MD after bending横向不弯折 TD no bending横向弯折后 TD after bendingN/10mm ≥80 ≥80 ≥80 ≥70 ≥120 ≥105 ≥105 ≥120 ≥140 ≥120 ≥120 ≥100 ≥190 ≥170 ≥170 ≥130 ≥270 ≥200 ≥200 ≥150 ≥320 ≥300 ≥300 ≥2005伸长率 Elongation纵向不弯折 MD no bending纵向弯折后 MD after bending横向不弯折 TD no bending横向弯折后 TD after bending% ≥15 ≥10 ≥20 ≥10 ≥15 ≥10 ≥20 ≥10 ≥15 ≥10 ≥20 ≥10 ≥15 ≥10 ≥20 ≥10 ≥5 ≥5 ≥5 ≥56击穿电压 Breakdown voltage不弯折 NormalKV ≥6 ≥7 ≥9 ≥12 ≥15 ≥187常态粘结性 Bonding strength at room temperature-不分层 No delamination8热态粘结性(155 ±2)℃10分钟Bonding strength at 155 ±2℃ for 10 min-不分层、不起泡、不流胶 No delamination、blister and drainage