一、 品牌释义
1、 中文名:广东大飞洋游艇设备有限公司
2、 LOGO:
二、 立志:没有豪言壮语,不求所谓最大规模,只求能存在一百年,从2011年算起;
三、 愿 景:人人均可享受游艇;
四、 游艇产业:
大飞洋不仅生产游艇,更致力于游艇中、下游产业的全面发展,形成以游艇为核心的吃、住、游、购、娱、会(展)、养、赛、教(学)、销十个业态的产业链,目前正在开发的项目有:十里堤岸游艇产业度假区、阳江大飞洋国际游艇产业度假区、三帆港红树林湿地旅游区 、肇庆西江金帆游艇产业度假区;
五、 游艇产品
1、 商务艇:类同于商务车,大飞洋共有238/138/118/108/90/70/60FT,7种型号;
2、 居家艇:类同于小轿车,大飞洋共有60/50FT,2种型号;
3、 运动艇:类同于跑车,大飞洋共有90/80/70/50/38/30FT,6种型号;
4、 钓鱼艇:类同于特种车,大飞洋共有58/38/30/28FT,4种型号;
5、 高端交通/公务接待艇,类同于大、中巴,大飞洋共有80/60FT,2种型号。
Company Profile
一、Brand Concept
Dafeiyang is a low-keyed company with dependable work style.
The Logo means that Dafeiyang yacht is a little fish in the big ocean, as water is to fish.
二、 Aspiration:No heroics,no largest scale,all we should do is to build a yacht enterprise which can exist for one century from July.12th, 2011.
三、 Company Vision:Everyone can own a yacht, which means that not only middle -class can buy a yacht but ordinary people can rent a yacht.
四、Yacht Industry
Dafeiyang not only devotes herself to yacht manufacture, but also emphasizes on yacht related industries, which forms yacht as the core, integrates chains of eating, living, traveling, shopping, amusement, boat show, cultivation, competition, teaching(learning) and selling. Currently, the projects being developed include: Shili Dian Yacht Tourism Area,Yangjiang Dafeiyang Yacht Tourism Area, Sanfan Port Mangrove Wetland Tourism Area and Zhaoqing West River Jinfan Yacht Tourism Area.
1、Business Yacht:similar to commercial car, with seven models of 238/138/118/108/90/70/60FT.
2、Leisure Yacht:similar to sedan car, with two models of 60/50FT.
3、Sports Yacht:similar to roadster, with six models of 90/80/70/50/38/30FT.
4、Fishing Yacht: similar to special vehicles, withfour models of 58/38/30/28FT.
5、Luxury Traffic Yacht:similar to bus,with two models of 80/60FT.